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Home > Archives for 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Best Diet Tips Ever-cont
Mindless eating occurs most frequently after dinner, when you finally sit down and relax.
"Sitting down with a bag of chips or cookies in front of the television is an example of eating amnesia, where you mindlessly eat without being hungry, but out of habit," says American Dietetic Association spokesperson Malena Perdomo, RD.
Either close down the kitchen after a certain hour, or allow yourself a low-calorie snack, like a 100-calorie pack of cookies or a half-cup scoop of low-fat ice cream. Once you find that you're usually satisfied with the low-cal snack, try a cup of zero-calorie tea, suggests Perdomo.
Best Diet Tip No. 5: Enjoy your favorite foods.
"I think putting your favorite foods off limits leads to weight gain because it triggers 'rebound' overeating," says Sass.
Instead of cutting out your favorite foods altogether, be a slim shopper. Buy one fresh bakery cookie instead of a box, or a small portion of candy from the bulk bins instead of a whole bag.
"You can enjoy your favorite foods, but you must do so in moderation," says Sass.
Best Diet Tip No. 6: Enjoy your treats away from home.
When you need a treat, Ellie Krieger, RD, host of Food Network’s Healthy Appetite, suggests taking a walk to your local ice cream parlor or planning a family outing.
"By making it into an adventure, you don’t have to worry about the temptation of having treats in the house, and it is a fun and pleasurable way to make it work when you are trying to lose weight," says Krieger.
And for those times you just can't get out? Krieger stocks her kitchen with fresh fruit, which she thinks can be every bit as delicious as any other dessert.
Best Diet Tip No. 7: Eat several mini-meals during the day.
If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. But when you're hungry all the time, eating fewer calories can be challenging.
"Studies show people who eat 4-5 meals or snacks per day are better able to control their appetite and weight," says obesity researcher Rebecca Reeves, DrPH, RD.
She recommends dividing your daily calories into smaller meals or snacks and enjoying as many of them as you can early in the day -- dinner should be the last time you eat.
Best Diet Tip No. 8: Eat protein at every meal.
Protein is more satisfying than carbohydrates or fats, and thus may be the new secret weapon in weight control.
"Diets higher in protein [and] moderate in carbs, along with a lifestyle of regular exercise, have an excellent potential to help weight loss," says University of Illinois protein researcher Donald Layman, PhD.
Getting enough protein helps preserve muscle mass and encourages fat burning while keeping you feeling full. So be sure to include healthy protein sources, like yogurt, cheese, nuts, or beans, at meals and snacks.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Best Diet Tips Ever
By Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD
Everyone knows the keys to losing weight: Eat less and exercise more. Sounds simple enough, but in the context of real life and its demands, it can be anything but simple. So how do successful losers do it? To find out, WebMD asked experts across the country for their best diet tips.
Here's what they said:
Best Diet Tip No. 1: Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.
People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. So you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really what you need.
"If you don’t like plain water, try adding citrus or a splash of juice, or brew infused teas like mango or peach, which have lots of flavor but no calories," says Cynthia Sass, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.
Best Diet Tip No. 2: Think about what you can add to your diet, not what you should take away.
Start by focusing on getting the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
"It sounds like a lot, but it is well worth it, because at the same time you are meeting your fiber goals and feeling more satisfied from the volume of food," says chef Laura Pansiero, RD.
You're also less likely to overeat because fruits and vegetables displace fat in the diet. And that's not to mention the health benefits of fruits and vegetables. More than 200 studies have documented the disease-preventing qualities of phytochemicals found in produce, says Pansiero.
Her suggestion for getting more: Work vegetables into meals instead of just serving them as sides on a plate.
"I love to take seasonal vegetables and make stir-fries, frittatas, risotto, pilafs, soups, or layer on sandwiches," Pansiero says. "It is so easy to buy a variety of vegetables and incorporate them into dishes."
Best Diet Tip No. 3: Consider whether you're really hungry.
Whenever you feel like eating, look for physical signs of hunger, suggests Michelle May, MD, author of Am I Hungry?
"Hunger is your body’s way of telling you that you need fuel, so when a craving doesn’t come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it," she says.
When you're done eating, you should feel better -- not stuffed, bloated, or tired.
"Your stomach is only the size of your fist, so it takes just a handful of food to fill it comfortably," says May.
Keeping your portions reasonable will help you get more in touch with your feelings of hunger and fullness.
WebMD Weight Loss Clinic-Feature
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Free Weight Loss Tips - Balanced Diet
The Food Pyramid (6 Food Groups)
1. Fats, Oils, Sweets: Use Sparingly
2. Milk, Yogurt & Cheese: 2-3 Servings
3. Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, Nuts: 2-3 Servings
4. Vegetables: 3-5 Servings
5. Fruits: 2-4 Servings
6. Bread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta: 6-11 Servings
If you follow the recommended servings for each of the six food groups (Fats, Milk, Vegetables, Meat/eggs, Fruit, Bread/pasta etc.) each day, and choose lower-fat, lower sugar brands, you are sure to get sufficient nutrients like: protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber.
By choosing the lower number of servings from each group your calorie intake should add up to about 1600 calories, per day. If you choose the highest number from each group, your calorie intake should be about 2800-2900 calories, per day.
Food Pyramid Serving Sizes
Food Group Serving Size
Bread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta, Noodles 1 slice bread; 1/2 hamburger bun or English muffin; 1 small roll, muffin, or biscuit; 5-6 small crackers; 1/2 cup cooked cereal, rice, pasta, noodles; 1 ounce ready-to-eat cereal.
Vegetables 1/2 cup cooked/raw vegetables; 1 cup leafy raw vegetables; 1/2 cup cooked peas, beans, other legumes; 3/4 cup vegetable juice.
Fruit 1 medium apple, banana, orange; 1/2 grapefruit; melon wedge; 3/4 cup fruit juice; 1/2 cup chopped fresh, cooked, canned fruit (in juice); 1/4 cup dried fruit;
Milk, Yogurt, Cheese 1 cup milk; 8 ounces yogurt; 1.5 ounces natural cheese; 2 ounces processed cheese.
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs and Nuts In this group 2-3 servings equals 5-7 ounces of cooked lean meat, or poultry without skin, or fish. Note: 1 egg (or 2 egg whites), 1 tbsp nuts, or 1/2 cup cooked peas, beans count as 1 ounce of meat.
Fats, Oils and Sweets Use sparingly. Note: Use fats/oils low in saturated fat. Unprocessed vegetable oils are best. Avoid fats with hydrogenated fat or trans-fatty acids.
Alcohol is not included in the Food Guide Pyramid. But official advice is to limit consumption to two drinks a day (male) or one drink a day, (female). [One drink = 12oz beer; or 1.5oz spirits; or 5oz wine.]
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Good Eating Habits

* Drink water, little and often throughout the day.
* Eat something in the morning – it does not have to be first thing as you jump out of bed, but eating something when you get up will replenish your blood glucose levels and fuel your brain and your body.
* Eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day – they’re great as snacks and if you have at least 1 serving per meal, you’ll easily make this target.
* Go for colour. Check you are eating a variety of colourful fruit and vegetables – think yellow, red, green and orange.
* Eat as wide a variety of foods as possible. If you can count up the number of different foods you eat on your 10 fingers, you need to add more kinds to your diet. This will help you get a greater choice of nutrients and fibre sources.
* Avoid long periods without eating. This will help stabilise your blood glucose levels and make you less likely to over-eat, or grab an unhealthy snack, later.
* Rate your food hunger. On a scale of 1-5 (1= starving, 5= stuffed). Aim to eat before you reach “1” and stop eating before you reach “5”.
* Take time to eat. It sounds obvious, but it will help you eat more balanced diet and avoid excess calorie intake. Studies show that individuals eat up to 15% more calories when they are in rush at meal times.
* Chew your food. Proper chewing can aid your digestion, and has been shown to reduce symptoms off irritable bowel syndrome.
* Avoid fad diets. There are no miracle foods – good health requires you to eat a variety of quality food in moderation.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Eating with awareness
If we eat rightly, no doctor is needed."
--- Victor G. Rocine
Good eating habits are a strong foundation to good health. It's important to eat what you like and also to experiment with a variety of new foods.
You also need to set aside enough time to sit down and enjoy your meal. Don't get into the trap of eating in front of the open refrigerator, rushing down the street or driving the car.
Eating slowly will allow your body's natural enzymatic mechanism to tell you when you have had enough. When you eat with awareness, you enjoy food more fully.
You notice how food affects you and you are less likely to overeat.
Eating with awareness also means eating whole, pure, natural foods. Without the proper balance of a variety of nutrient-rich foods on a continuing basis, good health cannot be achieved and maintained.
Remember, if you neglect your health through poor eating habits, it spills over into every aspect of your life. Eating with awareness will make you aware of other aspects of your inner life, including your emotional and spiritual side.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Five Ways to Guarantee that You'll NEVER Quit Smoking

You're hearing it from all directions: "Quit smoking!" But the heck with that! You're going to smoke until the day you die, right? Here's how to "fight back" against the tyrants and authority establishment that is trying to make you quit.
First, you must never believe that quitting smoking is possible. On the contrary, no one has ever quit smoking. Once you've had one puff, you're hooked for life. Might as well just start smoking even if you only inhale some second-hand smoke. You see, if you believe you can quit smoking, then you might actually try to do something about it. Believing is the first, most important step to becoming an evil "non-smoker". So don't believe what you hear from anyone else. Don't believe your own gut-instinct that tells you that you do have the ability to quit. You don't! It's impossible! Forget it!
Second, don't set a date for quitting. The winners in life are the people who never plan their life. They just get lucky. Money falls from the sky whenever they need it. They get around to doing things "someday".
The losers in life spend time planning their day, planning their goals and dreams; planning, planning, planning. Don't do that! It's a waste of your time. You don't need to know when you are going to do anything. You'll be just fine letting life "happen" to you. Free love, man! Peace!
Don't set a date for quitting smoking. That way you'll never know when you should put the cigarettes down for the last time. That way you can just smoke one right after the other, with no thought of when you want to become smoke-free.
Third, to guarantee you'll never quit smoking, don't talk to your doctor about quitting. He or she will just give you a load of hogwash. They think they know everything, those doctors. They say smoking will shorten your life, make you sicker more often, cause sexual dysfunction, give you heart and lung disease, plus a whole bunch of other unsubstantiated claims. Everyone knows that smoking never hurt anyone.
Your doctor would try to offer you his professional advice, and maybe even try to prescribe some "helpful" medications for quitting. They go to school for a million years and all of a sudden these doctors think they can help heal people! Imagine. Oh sure, studies may show that smokers who consult with their physician are more likely to quit, but then everybody knows that no one every quit smoking, right? (See the first method, above.)
Fourth, don't exercise. Exercise is hard. You have to burn calories. You have to discipline yourself to move your muscles three or four times per week. You have to stop watching TV for 30 minutes. No way!
Stay seated and smoke another pack. Or two.
Exercise is good for you, they say. It can help you take your mind off smoking. It can relieve stress. But you have cigarettes to relieve stress, right?
Who wants to exercise when it gives you bulging muscles and a tone body? The "experts" will try to tell you that you might feel pretty good about yourself when you start to get in shape. You just might want to take better care of yourself and quit smoking. Your self-esteem will improve, your sleep will improve, your stamina will increase, your sense of purpose will rise, your weight will drop, your performance at work will improve. That's what the "experts" say. Nonsense. You're doing just fine right now, smoking your cigarettes on the couch, in front of the TV, right?
Finally, the fifth way to guarantee that you'll never quit smoking is to just give up trying to quit. Don't take any action toward quitting. It's not necessary. Oh sure, you've tried to quit before. Did it work? Of course not. So forget it. It's just not worth the effort. You're a slave to cigarettes.
You don't want to live five or ten years longer anyway, do you? No, quitting isn't possible. Quitting requires that you actually try. So don't try. Don't make plans to quit. Don't read about how to quit. Don't talk with your doctor. Don't learn from other smokers who quit. Don't try to quit cold turkey or to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke. Don't do any of that weird deep breathing stuff. Don't drink plenty of water. Don't exercise. Don't eat healthier foods. Don't try to find a quitting buddy. Don't remove all the ash trays and lighters and matches and cigarettes from your home and office and vehicle. Don't talk to strangers!
Face it, you're a smoker. You love smoking. You love the coughing and hacking. You love freezing to death when you have to smoke in the designated smoking area outside. You love being stared at every time you light a cigarette in public. You love spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year on your habit. You love smelling terrible. You love having bad breath. You love paying more for your insurance. You love spending time in the hospital.
Remaining a smoker is easy, now that you know the five simple ways to guarantee that you never quit smoking. Get started today (or whenever you feel like it--or never--see step 5)
Brought to you by the Good-For-You-And-Your-Children Tobacco Company.
Monday, August 27, 2007

If you have tried to quit smoking and failed before, take comfort in the fact that most smokers fail several times before quitting successfully. Your past failures are not a lesson that you are unable to quit. Instead, view them as part of the normal journey toward becoming a nonsmoker.
The information below will ease your way and help insure that this is the last time you ever need to go through the quitting process. You can do it!
© 2000 by Patrick Reynolds
The most important step to take is the first step --
admitting you have an addiction.
When asked why you smoke, you might have said, "I just like to smoke!" or "It's my choice to smoke."
The tobacco companies have promoted the idea that smoking is a matter of personal choice. As I see it, there really isn't as much choice as they have suggested to their customers.
Ask yourself, and be totally honest: Am I addicted to tobacco? Am I truly making a freely made choice when I smoke?
You might consider that you need to have a cigarette. Studies have shown that nicotine addiction is as hard to break as heroin or cocaine addiction.
In Nicotine Anonymous' 12 Step program, which sprang from the venerable Alcoholics Anonymous program, the first step is admitting to yourself, "I'm powerless over tobacco." Making this admission may seem trivial to you, but for many it is a very significant part of completing the journey to becoming a non-smoker.
By telling smokers that smoking is a personal choice, the tobacco industry has helped to keep its customers in denial about the true extent of their addiction. If smoking is a choice, then what's the rush to quit? The tobacco companies have used this spin to help keep millions of customers buying their deadly products.
Admitting that you're smoking more out of addiction than choice will help motivate you to go on to the next steps -- taking control of yourself and becoming a nonsmoker.
This admission will further serve you by helping you stay smokefree later. In the months and years after you quit, when temptations to smoke occasionally overpower you -- and they will -- remind yourself, "I have an addiction and I'm powerless over tobacco." Saying this to yourself in overwhelmed moments of desire will help give you the strength to say no to "just one" cigarette.
If you can make it for just five minutes without giving in, the urge to smoke be controllable or disappear. In this way, you'll be able to stay smokefree for life.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Why Should I Quit Smoking?
Most people who smoke wish they didn't. They live with a hatred for the habit. The fear of serious illness is usually there too, lurking in the background, and always that awful feeling of being powerless to quit. Addiction does that to a person.
As smokers, we live in denial about what cigarettes are doing to us. We have to. Yes, we know that smoking causes cancer and emphysema - we know smoking kills and that we're playing roulette with our health...our lives.
For all that we worry though, most of us don't think anything will happen to us - we have time! We'll quit in time... The bad stuff happens to other people.
Keeping that layer of denial in place between ourselves and the harsh realities of smoking gets harder to do the longer we smoke. For most of us, there comes a time when the "smokescreen" starts to wear thin. It's inevitable.
The fact that you're reading this article means you're thinking about quitting - probably a lot. You're unhappy enough to be seeking out some help. Good for you. You're a step ahead of the game because you're looking for information about how to quit smoking.
Be practical in your approach to smoking cessation. Much of the process of release from this addiction comes down to plain old practice. We taught ourselves to smoke one day at a time until it was interwoven into just about every activity in our lives. It only makes sense then that we should allow ourselves the time to retrain old habits into newer, healthier ones. Arm yourself with knowledge and support, and be patient. You'll grow stronger by the day.
Start your quit smoking program with a list of reasons for quitting. We all have them.
Why do you want to quit smoking?
My own 26 year addiction turned me into a person I didn't much like.
I was fearful that a smoking-related disease would catch up with me before I found a way to quit smoking. I was worried sick, so to speak.
I hated the smoker's cough I had developed and the shortness of breath that I knew was a signal of lung damage.
I hated the smell, the embarrassment and the need. I especially resented the need. Nicotine dependency made me feel weak and helpless.
These were some of the first things I put on my own list of reasons, and it didn't take me long to add a long line of other things I hated about smoking as well.
What are the reasons behind your desire to quit smoking? Get out some paper and a pen, and list them out. Every single thing you can think of, from the largest, most obvious, to the smallest. Write them all. Carry that list around with you, and add to it when something else comes to mind. Think about the pros and cons of smoking as you compose your list.
By focusing your thoughts on your own personal reasons for quitting, you are laying the foundation for successful smoking cessation. It all starts in your mind, and once you get your thoughts moving in the right direction, taking action will come more easily.
It's like a snowball rolling downhill. Channel your thoughts onto that sheet of paper, and you'll begin to gain momentum. Once you start that snowball rolling, you'll be amazed at what you'll be able to do to change your life for the better. Make it happen!
"If you want to change your life, change your mind."
From Terry Martin,
Your Guide to Smoking Cessation.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
You Can Quit Smoking

Tips for the First Week
Nicotine is a powerful addiction. If you have tried to quit, you know how hard it can be. People who are trying to quit smoking go through both physical and psychological withdrawal. Here are some tips for quitting.
Drink a lot of liquids, especially water. Try herbal teas or fruit juices. Limit coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol - they can increase your urge to smoke.
Avoid sugar and fatty food. Try low-calorie foods for snacking - carrots and other vegetables, sugarless gum, air-popped popcorn, or low-fat cottage cheese. Don't skip meals.
Exercise regularly and moderately. Regular exercise helps. Joining an exercise group provides a healthy activity and a new routine.
Get more sleep. Try to go to sleep earlier and get more rest.
Take deep breaths. Distract yourself. When cravings hit, do something else immediately, such as talking to someone, getting busy with a task, or taking deep breaths.
Change your habits. Use a different route to work, eat breakfast in a different place, or get up from the table right away after eating.
Do something to reduce your stress. Take a hot shower, read a book, or exercise.
Psychological Needs
* Remind yourself every day why you are quitting.
* Avoid places you connect with smoking.
* Develop a plan for relieving stress.
* Listen to relaxing music.
* Watch a funny movie.
* Take your mind off a problem and come back to it later.
* Rely on your friends, family, and support group for help.
* Avoid alcohol. It lowers your chances for success.
Tips for the First Week, You Can Quit Smoking.March 2001.
Courtesy of: US. Public Health Service
Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention.
Updated: February 23, 2004
Sunday, June 24, 2007
What is organic glyconutrient-rich aloe vera and why is it important?
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Everyone knows they should take vitamins..

But who wants to choke down a handful of tablets every day? Introducing Vemma®, the cure for 'pill fatigue syndrome'.
Vemma blends the most recent science and nature's finest to form a complete and delicious once-a-day liquid supplement that provides you with everything you need and more to kick your health and energy levels into overdrive.
Developed by a physician with a background in both Eastern and Western medicine, Vemma unites the antioxidant-rich power of mangosteen — a fruit used for centuries by Asian health practitioners for its nutritional benefits — with rich plant-source minerals, organic glyconutrient-rich aloe vera and decaffeinated organic green tea along with a full spectrum of antioxidant vitamins to create the most powerful liquid antioxidant nutrition program anywhere!
Vemma Nutrition Program™ The Vemma Nutrition Program™ consists of Essential Minerals® and Mangosteen Plus™. We believe so strongly in this combination that we offer a 100% money-back, risk-free, empty-bottle guarantee. While there are many juice products on the market to choose from today, most offer very little in terms of critical vitamins and minerals. So why take a juice product and a vitamin/mineral supplement? With Vemma, you get it all!
Remember...if it doesn't say Vemma, it's just juice.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Why mangosteen?

Who could refuse the "Queen of All Fruits?" In addition to being one of the best tasting fruits in the world, mangosteen has superior nutritional and antioxidant properties capable of producing a wide range of benefits; benefits that enhance many of the body's health-promoting capabilities.*
Mangosteen is a rare, tangerine-sized fruit, whose growth is limited primarily to tropical Southeast Asia, has strict growing conditions, and has only recently been made available in North America. Mangosteen is thought to have been traditionally used by natural health providers for thousands of years. In India, for example, traditional ayurvedic doctors used the rind of mangosteen to support a healthy digestive system and maintain healthy eyes, skin and hair.*
Modern day science has recently begun to appreciate the incredible, nutrient-rich value of mangosteen and its wide-reaching, health-promoting properties. We now know, for example, that mangosteen contains a number of vitamins and minerals in trace amounts. Mangosteen also contains the following compounds: polysaccharides, quinones, stilbenes and xanthones. This combination of plant compounds is unique.
The group of mangosteen compounds that have been studied
the most is xanthones.
This particular class of plant nutrients are highly, biologically active and are unique because they possess very potent antioxidant properties. Of all the known sources for xanthones, the mangosteen fruit supplies some of the highest amounts found in all of nature. There are over 30 different types of xanthone compounds identified in mangosteen, but one of the most researched is "beta mangostin." Preliminary research shows that beta mangostin and possibly some of the other xanthones in mangosteen have very potent life-supporting properties.*
Why supplement with Vemma's Mangosteen Plus™?
Mangosteen Plus is a powerful, bioavailable (body-ready) formulation containing 12 full-spectrum vitamins in a base of antioxidant rich, whole fruit mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) and pericarp, organic glyconutrient-rich aloe vera and decaffeinated organic green tea. This proprietary patent pending formula is quite possibly the most powerful liquid antioxidant product available anywhere. Independent laboratory tests show that Mangosteen Plus provides more beta mangostin and other mangostin xanthones per ounce than the other mangosteen products we've tested. Ounce for ounce, your body gets the most powerful levels of xanthones and antioxidant protection available.
Mangosteen, known as the "Queen of All Fruits" has been used for centuries by Asian health practitioners for its nutritional benefits and delicious flavor. Combine the antioxidant-rich power of mangosteen with vitamins, plant-sourced minerals, organic glyconutrient-rich aloe vera and decaffeinated organic green tea and you've created the ultimate nutritional foundation. Introducing the Vemma Nutrition Program™ — Essential for Life!
It's now well-known that taking multivitamins with minerals on a daily basis is vital for long-term optimal health. The Vemma Nutrition Program provides two powerful liquid formulas that make it easy to get the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you need to form a solid nutritional foundation. Each product is bioavailable (body-ready), delicious and easy to take!
In your Vemma Nutrition Program you'll receive two 32oz bottles of Vemma Premix or you can opt for the Non-mixed version with a 32oz bottle of Mangosteen Plus™ and a 32oz bottle of Kiwi-Strawberry Essential Minerals®.
Who knew taking care of your body could be so easy?
Product Info
About Essential Minerals
About Mangosteen Plus
Product Brochure (pdf)
Pricing & Shipping Information | The Latest in Nutrition News
What is Vemma?
Full spectrum of antioxidant vitamins.
Whole fruit mangosteen and pericarp.
Organic glyconutrient-rich Aloe Vera.
Decaffeinated organic Green Tea.
Over 65 major, trace and ultra-trace plant-sourced minerals.
30 day, empty bottle money back guarantee.
Available in the USA, Canada, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic , Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Singapore, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan and the UK.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
What is nicotine addiction?
Within eight seconds of that first-ever inhaled puff, through dizzy, coughing and six shades of green, nicotine arrived at the brain's reward pathways where it generated an unearned flood of dopamine, resulting in an immediate yet possibly unrecognized "aaahhh" reward sensation. Sensing it would cause most first-time inhalers to soon return to steal more. Nicotine also fit the adrenaline locks releasing a host of fight or flight neurochemicals and select serotonin locks impacting mood.
Brain Defenses Create Dependency
A toxic poison, the brain's defenses fought back but in doing so they had no choice but to also turn down the mind’s sensitivity to acetylcholine, the body's conductor of an entire orchestra of neurochemicals.
In some neuro-circuits the brain diminished the number of receptors available to receive nicotine, in others it diminished the number of available transporters and in still other regions it grew millions and millions of extra acetylcholine receptors (up-regulation), almost as if trying to protect itself by more widely disbursing the arriving pesticide.
There was only one problem. All the physical changes engineered a new tailored neurochemical sense of normal built entirely upon the presence of nicotine. Now, any attempt to stop using it would come with a risk of intermittent temporary hurtful anxieties and powerful mood shifts. A true chemical addiction was born. Returning home to the “real you” now had a price. Gradually the calmness and comfort associated with being the “real you” faded into distant or even forgotten memory.
The brain's protective adjustments insured that any attempt to stop would leave you temporarily desensitized. Your dopamine reward system would briefly offer-up few rewards, your nervous system would see altering the status quo as danger and sound an emotional anxiety alarm throughout your body, and mood circuitry might briefly find it difficult to climb beyond depression.
The Recovery Process
Successful nicotine dependency recovery is in maintaining the motivations, dreams and patience needed to allow: (1) the physical mind time to re-sensitize itself and re-adjust to functioning normally again; (2) the subconscious mind time to encounter and re-condition the bulk of its nicotine feeding cues that triggered brief anxiety episodes in an attempt to gain compliance; and (3) the conscious mind time to either allow years of defensive dependency rationalizations to fade into distant memory, or the intelligent quitter time to more rapidly destroy their impact through honest reflection.
The ex-smoker will find themselves enjoying a deep and rich sense of inner quiet, calmness, and tranquility once their temporary journey of re-adjustment is substantially complete.
The body's nicotine reserves decline by about half every two hours. It's not only the basic chemical half-life clock which determines mandatory nicotine feeding times, when quitting it's also the clock that determines how long it takes before the brain begins bathing in nicotine free blood-serum, the moment that real healing begins.
It can take up to 72 hours for the blood-serum to become nicotine-free and 90% of nicotine's metabolites to exit the body via your urine. It's then that the anxieties associated with readjustment normally peak in intensity and begin to gradually decline.
But just one powerful "hit" of nicotine and you’ll again face another 72 hours of detox anxieties. It's why the one puff survival rate is almost zero. None of us are stronger than nicotine but then we don’t need to be as it is simply a chemical with an I.Q. of zero. It does not plot, plan or conspire and is not some demon within us. Our most effective weapon against it is, and always has been, our vastly superior intelligence but only if put to work.
Nicotine Replacement Products
The key to nicotine dependency recovery is not in dragging out the 72 hours of detox by toying for weeks or months with gradual nicotine weaning or other creative means for delivering nicotine. The nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) industry want smokers to believe that a natural poison is medicine, that its use is therapy, and that it is somehow different from the tobacco plant's nicotine molecule. The truth is that the pharmaceutical industry buys its nicotiana from the exact same growers as the tobacco industry. They want you to believe that double-blind placebo controlled studies proved that NRT doubles a cold turkey quitters odds of quitting and that only superheros can quit without it. The truth is that their studies were not blind as claimed, and that all but a tiny sliver of earth's successful quitters are quitting entirely on their own. Here are a few facts that those selling creative nicotine delivery devices would rather you not know:
* Nicotine is a psychoactive drug whose "high" provides a dopamine "aaahhh" sensation and an adrenaline rush. Would you have been able to tell, within 5 minutes, whether the gum or lozenge you'd been given contained the nicotine equilivent of smoking two cigarettes or was instead a nicotine-free placebo? So could they. A 2004 study found that NRT studies suffered from massive wide-spread blinding failures (May 2004)
* A nicotine smoker's natural odds of quitting for six months, entirely on their own, without any products, procedures, education programs, counseling or formal support is roughly 10% (June 2000)
* Those using the over-the-counter (OTC) nicotine patch or gum as a stand-alone quitting tool have only a 7% chance of quitting smoking for six months (March 2003)
* Up to 7% of OTC nicotine gum quitters are still chronic users of nicotine gum at six months (May 2004). Question: isn't 7 minus 7 still zero? (May 2004)
* 36.6% of all current nicotine gum users are chronic long-term users (May 2004)
* You truly would have to be a superhero to quit while using the nicotine patch if you've already attempted using it once and relapsed. The only two patch user "recycling" studies ever conducted have both shown that nearly 100% of second-time nicotine patch users relapse to smoking nicotine within six months (April 1993 and August 1995, see Table 3)
* 91.2% of all successful long-term ex-smokers quit entirely on their own without resort to any product, procedure or program of any kind including hypnosis, Zyban, Wellbutrin, acupuncture, magic herbs, laser therapy, or the nicotine patch, gum, lozenge, spray, or inhaler (ACS 2003)
* Education, understanding, new skills and serious support can more than triple your natural six-month odds of 10% (April 2003)
* Those who refuse to allow any nicotine back into their bloodstream have 100% odds of remaining nicotine free today! (Today, Tomorrow & Always!)
Education Destroys Dependency Ignorance
Is encountering your subconsciously conditioned nicotine feeding cue (times, places, events, emotions) that are in need of reconditioning a bad thing? Are almost all cues reconditioned and broken by a single victory in not providing the demanded substance? Is time distortion a normal recovery symptom? Do all subconscious crave episodes last less than three minutes? Can distortion make the minutes feel like hours? Can looking at a clock bring honest perspective? Does the number of episodes peak at an average of six on day three and decline to just 1.2 crave episodes per day by day 10?
If "average," can you handle up to 18 minutes of serious anxiety (3 minutes x 6 episodes)? If you have established twice as many nicotine feeding cues as he average smoker can you handle up to 36 minutes of challenge on your most challenging day of recovery?
Does nicotine really double the rate at which caffeine is metabolized? Will your caffeine blood-serum level really increase by 203% if you drink the exact same amount of caffeine after ending all nicotine use? If you are a heavy caffeine user can elevated levels of caffeine cause additional anxieties making nicotine dependency recovery harder than need be?
Why could you skip breakfast and even lunch when smoking nicotine and never feel true hunger pains? Can difficulty concentrating during early recovery, and other low blood sugar type symptoms, often be easily corrected by simply learning that nicotine is no longer your spoon feeding you stored fats and sugars, and that you must again learn to properly fuel your body? How can temporarily (72 hours) drinking natural acidic fruit juices like cranberry help to both stabilize blood sugar and accelerate depletion of your body’s reserves of the alkaloid nicotine?
These are only a few of the hundreds and hundreds of nicotine dependency recovery issues explored in detail at, a free online motivation, education and peer support forum. If you are addicted to nicotine we invite you to sample the juice of understanding and the amazing world of online nicotine dependency recovery. I think you'll be surprised at how much there is to learn about the deadly insecticide that now commands your brain, controls your health and will likely determine your life-expectancy.
The next few minutes are all that matter and each is entirely doable. It may not always be easy but it is simple. There was always only one rule: no nicotine today!
John R. Polito
Nicotine Cessation Educator
November 20, 2003
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Save On Food - Ten Ways
1. Stock up during sales. We recently bought 20 or 30 cans of tomato paste on sale for 10 cents per can. That's cheap food. You can do this with all non-perishables.
2. Try store brands. Some are as good as name brands and some aren't, but all are cheaper. Test them, maybe without telling the kids.
3. Buy fruits and vegetables in season. They are at their highest quality at the point where the price is the lowest.
4. Garden. Gardening can be a great way to stay in shape, and can help you save on food as well.
5. Fruit trees. Even if you don't like to garden, you can have a fruit tree or two that take care of themselves. We love to snack on the grapes and peaches that grow behind the house.
6. Double coupon deals. If a store near you doubles the value of your coupons, buy the smallest size of the coupon item. A doubled 50 cent coupon saves you $1 off a $2 package of toilet paper, but the $1 package is free.
7. Buy by pound or piece. Buy the large pieces of produce when priced by the piece, and you'll get more for the same price. Conversely, buy small pieces when priced by the pound. If you get four bananas for the price of two large ones, you'll still only eat one at a time, right?
8. Plan your shopping. Saving on your grocery bill isn't just about cheap food. It's also about not buying things you don't need on impulse.
9. Use a small cart. If you can't carry too much, you'll buy less.
10. Never shop for food when hungry. Eat a meal first and you'll save on food you don't buy. This simple idea has saved us a lot.
About the author:
Steve Gillman has been studying every aspect of money for thirty years. You can find more money saving tips and useful information on his website;
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Caffeine - I Bet You Didn't Know This! Health and Nutrition!
What exactly is caffeine? It is a colorless, somewhat bitter substance that is found in coffee, tea, chocolate and cola. It is also in many over- the-counter medicines and in many diet/weight loss supplements. It is a stimulant and it is considered a psychoactive drug. It is the most widely consumed drug in this country. Drugmakers are required by law to list the amount of caffeine in their product, however, food and beverage companies do not have to. The caffeine that is taken out of coffee beans to produce decaffeinated coffee is then sold to drug companies and soft drink manufacturers.
It can be a welcome waker-upper in the morning taken in that morning cup of coffee. It also helps give some a boost to stay awake late in the day. However, the boost isn't necessarily instant as it takes about an hour for the effects of caffeine to make it's way through the bloodstream and into the system. It has benefits and it has side effects. It helps keep us alert. It stimulates the central nervous system. Some say it improves physical and mental performance. It has diuretic activity. Some studies list is as a mood elevator, and a pain reliever. Because of the increased alertness levels of those who consume caffeine, there has been improved performance in activities such as test-taking, driving, flying and problem solving.
There are side effects of caffeine though. Those are insomnia, nervousness, increased tension and anxiety-panic attacks, just from drinking the amount of 300 mg. The amount that causes these side effects vary from individual to individual, however, children seem to have a lower tolerance of it because of their lower body weight. The Food and Drug Administration advises pregnant women to avoid it altogether. The FDA does list it as a "safe food additive", even though pregnant women should avoid it. For those that take it regularly every day, going without it a day can cause withdrawal symptoms such as, headaches, irritability, a lack of energy and of course, sleepiness. These withdrawal symptoms are short lived though.
The following is a chart and the amount of caffeine in products you use and consume daily.
6 ounce cup of coffee - 64mg to 150mg
5 ounce cup of tea- 40mg
12 ounce can of cola- 40mg
hot cocoa - 1 cup 4mg
6 ounce chocolate bar 25mg
2 Excedrin tablets 130mg
Besides weight loss products and stay awake products and energy drinks, caffeine is being tested for pesticide use and it has been laced in women's panty hose for it's constrictive effects that are supposed to shrink thighs. Love it or hate it, caffeine is and always has been a big part of American culture and probably is here to stay.
About the author:
Nick A. James offers informative tips and information on nutrition, health and working from home. Get the Exclusive Free Report! -6 Steps to Simplify Your Life, Improve Your Health & Give You Dynamic Energy! His many years of Internet Marketing expertise puts him in unique position to help others starting a home business . For free newsletter, health blog , and cutting edge info contact him at:
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
Ten unusual quit smoking tips
1. The Law of Addiction - "Administration of a drug to an addict will cause re-establishment of chemical dependence upon the addictive substance at the old level of use or greater." Yes, just one powerful puff of nicotine and all your hard work is down the drain. Adherence to just one rule guarantees success to all ... Never Take Another Puff.
Nicotine rewired your brain, growing millions of nicotinic receptors in eleven different regions. Although your mind's nicotine induced dopamine/adrenaline intoxication is an alert high, your chemical dependency is every bit as real and permanent as alcoholism. Treating a true addiction as though it were some nasty little habit is a recipe for relapse. There is no such thing as just one puff. Nicotine dependency recovery truly is an all or nothing proposition.
2. Measuring Victory - Forget about quitting "forever." Like attempting the seemingly impossible task of eating an entire elephant, it's the biggest psychological bite imaginable. Instead, work hard at adopting a realistic and do-able victory yardstick that celebrates freedom an hour, challenge and day at a time. If you insist on seeing success only in terms of quitting forever then on which day will you celebrate?
3. Emotional Phases - Chemical dependency upon smoking nicotine is one of the most intense, repetitive and dependable relationships you've likely ever known. It has infected almost every aspect of your life and thinking. Be prepared to experience a normal sense of emotional loss when quitting that gradually transports you through six very different phases: (1) denial, (2) anger, (3) bargaining, (4) depression, (5) acceptance, and (6) complacency. This emotional journey is normal and a necessary part of recovery.
4. Do Not Skip Meals - Each puff of nicotine was your spoon releasing stored fats and sugars into your bloodstream. It allowed you to skip meals without experiencing wild blood-sugar swing symptoms such as an inability to concentrate or hunger related anxieties. Don't add needless symptoms to withdrawal but instead learn to spread your normal daily calorie intake out more evenly over the entire day. Don't eat more food but less food more often.
Drink plenty of acidic fruit juice the first three days. Cranberry is excellent and a bottle will cost you about the same as a pack of cigarettes. It will help to both accelerate the up to 72 hours needed to remove the alkaloid nicotine from your body and help stabilize blood sugars. Take care beyond three days as juices can be rather fattening.
5. Avoid All Crutches - A crutch is any form of quitting reliance that you lean upon so heavily in supporting recovery that if quickly removed would likely result in relapse (a person, product, service or activity). If you feel the need to lean upon a quitting buddy be sure that your buddy is either a sturdy long-time ex-smoker or a never-smoker.
With the exception of using extreme care with alcohol during early withdrawal, you do not need to give up any activity when quitting except for using nicotine. Likewise, successful long-term quitting is not dependent upon you engaging in any new activity either. Contrary to the junkie-thinking you've likely fed your mind, everything you did as a smoker you'll soon adjust to doing as well or better as an ex-smoker.
6. Crave Coping Techniques - You have conditioned your mind to expect the arrival of nicotine when encountering various times, places, activities, people, events or emotions. The first time you encounter each crave trigger you should expect a short yet possibly powerful anxiety episode lasting up to three minutes.
Don't fear or hide from your triggers but confront and extinguish each of them. You'll find that most are re-conditioned by a single encounter during which the subconscious mind does not receive the expected result - nicotine. Welcome and embrace every episode as each reflects a beautiful moment of subconscious healing, and the reclaiming of another aspect of your life.
Average number of craves per day
One crave coping technique is to practice slow deep breathing while clearing your mind of all needless chatter by focusing on your favorite person, place or thing. Another is to say your ABCs while associating each letter with your favorite food, person or place. For example, "A" is for grandma's hot apple pie, and "B" is for ..." It's doubtful you'll ever reach the challenging letter "Q."
7. Cessation Time Distortion - A recent study found that nicotine cessation causes significant time distortion. Although no subconsciously triggered crave episode will last longer than three minutes, to a quitter the minutes can feel like hours. Keep a clock handy to maintain honest perspective.
8. Caffeine/Nicotine Interaction - Amazingly, nicotine somehow doubles the rate by which the body depletes caffeine. Yes, your blood-serum caffeine level will double if no caffeine intake reduction is made when quitting. Although not a problem for most light to moderate caffeine users, consider cutting caffeine intake by roughly half if troubled by anxieties or experiencing difficulty relaxing or sleeping.
9. The Smoking Dream - Be prepared for an extremely vivid smoking dream as tobacco odors released by horizontal healing lungs are swept up bronchial tubes by rapidly healing cilia and come in contact with a vastly enhanced sense of smell. See it as the wonderful sign of healing it reflects and nothing more.
10. Relapse - Remember that there are only two good reasons to take a puff once you quit. You decide you want to go back to your old level of consumption until smoking cripples and then kills you, or you decide you really enjoy withdrawal and you want to make it last forever. As long as neither of these options appeals to you the solution is as simple as ... no nicotine just one day at a time, Never Take Another Puff!
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Benefits of quitting smoking are many. If you quit smoking then there will be considerable minimization in the risk involved due to cancer, heart disease and other deadly diseases. Earlier you use to get tired up easily, but now you have more power. You will also gain resistance from cough, cold and flu.
Another benefit of quitting smoking will also save the money, which you were burning to destroy your health. Nicotine will show its effects in the initial phases of quitting smoking. It would be almost impossible to handle this temptation of nicotine.
However, try to divert your mind. You will also have to face the withdrawal symptoms like headache, irritation and coughing. All these are positive signs of quitting smoking. Drink water to avoid them and make your hands and mouth busy.
You may feel anxiety during the initial phases of quitting smoking. To get rid of anxiety, do not opt to take caffeine drinks, instead inhale deep breaths and go for walk. Exercise is the best way to handle the problem.
Another important one of the benefits of quitting smoking is that carbon monoxide (CO) level in your blood will minimize and there will be considerable increment of oxygen level.
Your skin will turn pink and there will be glow at your face. Your heartbeat will be normal and lungs become clearer. If you are not smoking for a year or two, your risk to heart attack gradually decreases.
Look out for a friend interested in getting rid of it, to make it more interesting. Both of you can do wonders. Always try to avoid places that encourage smoking. Many people usually put on a lot of weight after quitting smoking. Go for exercise program, eat healthy food and improve your way of living to avoid weight gained.
Some drugs can replace the harmful nicotine. But, it should not be taken without the advice of Doctor, for instance Bupropion, Nicotine inhaler, Nicotine gum, and Nicotine nasal spray. These drugs will surely helpful in quitting smoking
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Quit Smoking Tips:
* As the date of quitting is nearing, try to reduce the cigarette intake and the conditions when you smoke. Take a glass jar, fill it with water and drop all the butts of cigarette into it.
* For a smoker, smoking is one of the essentials. Now you have decided to quit smoking and to attain the quitting, try some other work at the time of smoking.
* In your free time, try to concentrate on the advantages after you quit smoking cigarette.
Monday, March 19, 2007
7 Days Stop Smoking Program
The first thing to do is set a date when you are going to stop smoking. Let’s start one week from today. That will give you plenty of time to practice with the weapons in your arsenal. Eight days from today, it will be the beginning of the end of your smoking habit.
Days 1 and 2
Examine your smoking behavior for the first two days. Every time you light up, ask yourself:
- Why am I smoking this cigarette?
- Would this be an easy one or a difficult one to do without?
- If I did not smoke this cigarette, what would I do instead?
Day 3
Let’s get out and test your weapons today.
At least once today, use your weapons to shoot down the urge to smoke.
During the five minutes that it will take for the urge to pass, try out some of your arsenal. Try one, or all, or find a combination that works for you.
Day 4
Today is the big testing day. If you haven’t already tried it, skip those one or two cigarettes that you feel may be the toughest to give up in your daily routine. Pick the ones that you rated “difficult” during your monitoring period.
Remember, this is a practice period, and you must not get upset if you are unable to give up a difficult cigarette. You must practice and experiment with your different weapons to realize how you can be more effective.
If you found skipping that cigarette very hard or even failed in the end, review any factor that got in the way of your success. The most common causes of difficulty or failure that a potential quitter faces are:
Chemical properties of addiction
When you do not have that cigarette, you feel lousy. If you are a heavy smoker, a nicotine patch may help to relieve your bad feelings.
Social pressures
You may find yourself in a situation like, card game, party, coffee break during which you would normally smoke. It may help to let others know of your desire to stop smoking, and also your reasons to stop smoking.
Enlisting the aid of a non smoker to confide in may also help. Make sure that he or she is aware of your goals so that they do not say or do anything to instill a negative impact on your desire to stop smoking.
If you feel that you may not resist the social pressures of smoking, consider the option of giving up these social encounters for two or three weeks until the urge passes and you can be comfortable again.
Tension and negative emotion
A crisis occurs during your work or personal day, and one of the main reasons for you to smoke has been tension reduction. Try to deal with your negative emotions and use the tension reducing methods that we talked about earlier.
Get away from the area that the tension is associated with. Take a walk, or go to another room. You may also find that nicotine gum will give you enough tension relief to get through.
Days 5, 6, and 7
You are now heading down the home stretch. In the next three days, your goal is to come out of this week smoking half the cigarettes that you would normally smoke. If you started as a one pack a day smoker, cut back to ten cigarettes per day, or less.
The fewer the better
During days 5 and 6, set your goals toward achieving positive results on day 7. Maintain your smoking record during these three days, and continue to decrease your dependency on nicotine.
What do you do if you still have doubts? This is probably due to your chemical dependency on nicotine. It is a highly powerful drug, and many factors have been working together to make you dependent.
Discuss with your doctor about the feasibility of a patch or nicotine gum. Nicotine is the hook that has gotten you to smoke which carries the harmful effects to your body. With the help from the patch or the gum, you will have all he tools you need to successfully quit.
The nicotine patch or gum will give you a steady influx of nicotine into your system, which will be reduced slowly over a period of several weeks. Do not smoke while on the nicotine patch. You could experience a dangerous overdose of nicotine.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
What You Can Eat
Food Groups | Enjoy Adequate Amounts Of | Limit | ||
![]() | Grains | Breads, brown and regular rice, ready-to-eat flaky whole grain cereals, pasta, oats, tortillas, pita bread | Baked goods made with heart-unhealthy fat (See Fats & Oils below) | ![]() |
![]() | Vegetables | All fresh, frozen, and canned vegetables | Vegetables topped with cream sauces, whole milk cheese, and butter | ![]() |
![]() | Fruits | All fresh, frozen, and canned fruits | Fruits topped with cream | ![]() |
![]() | Dairy Foods | Nonfat and low fat milk and yogurt, reduced and low fat cheeses, and light ice cream | Whole milk, 2 percent milk, whole milk cheeses, and full fat ice cream | ![]() |
![]() | Meats & Meat Alternatives | Lean cuts of meats, such as tenderloin, sirloin, round, and lean or extra lean ground beef, turkey, or chicken, low fat luncheon meats and hot dogs, dried peas and beans, skinless poultry, fish, beans, tofu, peanut butter, nuts, egg whites, and egg substitutes (Keep meat, poultry, and fish to about six ounces daily) | Fatty cuts of meat such as untrimmed meats, hot dogs, sausages, and bacon, excessive egg yolks*, organ meats (liver), poultry with skin, and fatty luncheon meats, such as bologna and salami | ![]() |
![]() | Fats and Oils | Soft margarine, olive, soybean, canola, corn, peanut, sunflower, and sesame oils | Whole milk, yogurt, and cheeses, full fat ice cream, cream |
*Since an egg yolk contains over 200 milligrams of dietary cholesterol, these need to be balanced within your diet in order to harness your daily cholesterol intake. Egg whites are free of dietary cholesterol.
- By Joan Salge Blake, MS, RD, LDN. Blake is a nutrition professor at Boston University and a nationally known writer, lecturer and nutrition expert.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Which are the best acne treatments? It depends! by Sarah Rhodes
Herbs such as chamomile, lavender, juniper, bergamot, dandelion root, and burdock root can be used to reduce toxicity and improve the overall condition of the skin. Echinacea and poke root are often used for their anti-inflammatory properties and red clover may be beneficial for its estrogenic action. Witch hazel has excellent astringent properties and may be very effective on acne.
You might think that treating acne requires you to see and consult for prescription. Well, you can actually treat it by yourself! You can find solutions right in your home or garden! Applying toothpaste in your acne and letting it stay overnight is just one and actually the most common home treatment for acne most people do. You can also try a variety of paste or mask that are great options made from different plant species. You can choose from applying salt and vinegar solution, lime, ripe tomatoes, methi(fenugreek) leaves, lemon, dried basil leaves, mint juice, cucumber, corn flour and egg white, sandalwood, roasted and powdered pomgranate, ground radish, oatmeal, almond powder, honey, ground orange peel, nutmeg and milk, turmeric and tender neem, ground sesame seeds, papaya, and drumstick pods and leaves. Truly natural home treatments for acne!
There seems to be a growing number of different treatments but usually over the counter products come in the form of topical cleansers, soaps, washes, lotions, creams, gels or even pads and patches that are applied onto the skin. When using these kinds of preparations it is important, that you cover all of the area where you have acne because then you will also be treating the hidden blemishes that you can't yet see as well as the acne breakouts that you can. Expect some trials and errors as you experiment with the different treatments available, it may take you a while before you find the right type or combination of products that work for you. Whatever you do, don't use more than one treatment at a time, particularly with medicated products, discontinue one before you try out another.
Acne isn't really helped by the sun, either. Although a suntan can temporarily make acne look less severe, it won't help it go away permanently. So don't soak up those rays - either under the sun or from a tanning bed - in an effort to help your skin.
While laser skin resurfacing, Dermabrasion, and chemical peels are the most popular methods for acne scar removal, injection methods are also used. The injections may contain collagen, or fat taken from other parts of the body. While these injections work well, they do have to be repeated often, and they can be quite expensive. The injections do not actually remove or heal the scars - it simply hides them by filling them up.
About the Author
Sarah Rhodes suffered from severe acne for many years before finally discovering a cure that works. Read about Sarah and the secret that permanently cured her acne at:
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
How To Recognize Asthma Symptoms? by Gaetane Ross
Of course, the main problem with diagnosing asthma is that a typical asthma symptom is easily confused with a symptom caused by a common cold or flu virus. If you suspect that you or your child may have asthma, or if you or your child are displaying any of the following symptoms, it is imperative that you immediately see your doctor. Even if you think something is just a cold, for safety's sake, you should see your doctor and rule out asthma. Should you ignore any symptoms, doing so can have serious repercussions, especially in regard to your child's health. As with most things,a typical asthma symptoms can vary from one person to another. However, there are specific things to look out for. These include wheezing, in which you whistle when you breathe in or out. If this happens to you or your child at night or when you have just gotten over suffering a cold, it could mean that you are developing asthma. Of course, it could also mean that you are developing or suffering from a lung infection, which is dangerous in its own right. Either way, see a doctor immediately.
Of course, not all asthma sufferers have wheezing, but there are other symptoms as well. For example, does your child have a cough that just won't go away? This is an asthma symptom as well, and should be checked out immediately. Another asthma symptom that's common is to have the feeling of breathlessness, or finding it extremely difficult to breathe. Less severely, it can simply be a feeling of tightness in the chest. Keep in mind that very young children may not be able to clearly verbalize what they're feeling, so it behooves you as the parent to surmise what may be happening and get prompt medical care. For example, even if your very young child says he has a stomach ache, he may in fact be talking about pain in his chest, if he cannot be very clear on exactly what he's feeling. Having such symptoms checked out by a doctor covers all the bases and makes sure that your child is safe.
Of course, young children need to be held, and they may also say that they need to be carried or otherwise treated like an infant, especially if they've had some traumatic event in their life, such as a new baby in the house. However, this is different than the type of neediness or clinging that happens when a child is feeling ill, and you as the parent will be able to clue in on what the difference is. It should also be noted that feeling tired is a common asthmatic symptom, so if your normally energetic child is feeling lethargic, this is another clue. All in all, just to be safe, taking your child to the doctor when he or she is exhibiting any kind of illness that is clearly not simply minor should be checked out.
About the Author
Did you find those tips on "How To Recognize asthma Symptoms" useful? If so,You can learn a lot more about how we can help you here.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Fast Food's Hidden Dangers
Besides the long-term health risks of a high-fat, high-calorie diet, fast-food chains have indirectly changed the way cattle are fed, slaughtered, and processed, making meatpacking the most dangerous job in America and increasing the risk of large-scale food poisoning. In his new book, Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal, Eric Schlosser describes fast food's hidden dangers.
A Lifetime of Fast Food
Although most of the health problems related to fast food aren't felt until middle age -- obesity and diabetes are at an all-time high --- the damage starts before children enter kindergarten. Hoping to shape eating habits, fast-food chains market heavily to children. About 96% of American school-aged children recognize Ronald McDonald, second only to Santa Claus. Almost every American child eats at a McDonald's® at least once a month.
Fast food runs on cheap labor, usually supplied by teenagers. Child labor laws that restrict work schedules are often ignored at fast-food chains. Although part-time employment can teach teenagers responsibility, teenage boys who work long hours are more likely to abuse drugs and get into trouhle. They also risk getting hurt: Each year about 20,000 teenagers suffer work-related injuries, about twice the adult rate.
Meatpacking Factories: Injuries and Food Poisoning
To keep meat prices low, most slaughterhouses have moved out of big cities and into small towns. Instead of hiring skilled, unionized workers, meatpacking plants frequently recruit recent immigrants who are willing to work hard for low pay on assembly lines that turn living cattle into frozen hamburger at record speed. To keep up the pace, plant workers often abuse methamphetamine. Meatpacking has become the most hazardous occupation in the US, with three times the injury rate of factory work. Each year, at least one-third of all meatpackers are injured on the job.
Concentrating cattle into large feedlots and herding them through processing assembly lines operated by poorly trained employees increase the risk of large-scale food poisoning. Manure gets mixed with meat, contaminating it with salmonella and Escherichia coli 0157:H7. Schlosser reports a US Department of Agriculture (USDA) study that found 78.6% of ground beef contained microbes spread primarily by fecal material. Because of current processing methods, each contaminated carcass is distributed to a large number of people. The typical frozen hamburger that is used in fast-food restaurants contains meat from dozens or hundreds of cattle, multiplying the risk of food poisoning.
E. coli 0157:H7 is one of the worst forms of food poisoning. Usually spread through undercooked hamburgers, it's difficult to treat. Although antibiotics kill the bacteria, they release a toxin that produces dreadful complications. About 4% of people infected with E. coli 0157:H7 develop hemolytic uremic syndrome, and about 5% of children who develop the syndrome die. E. coli 0157:H7 has become the leading cause of renal failure among American kids.
Meat also can become poisoned as it's processed into hot dogs or bologna. The US Food and Drug Administration and the USDA recently warned that children under six and pregnant women should avoid hot dogs and sandwich meats unless they're thoroughly cooked, due to the risk of Listeria monocytogenes infection. Once mixed into food, L. monocytogenes continues to multiply, despite refrigeration. Usually, it causes mild flu-like symptoms, but it can turn deadly in young children. Pregnant women are 20 times more susceptible to infection, which may lead to miscarriage or stillbirth. Each year, L. monocytogenes causes 2,500 serious illnesses and 500 deaths. As food processing is concentrated among fewer and fewer facilities, large-scale contamination becomes more likely. Last year, for example, agricultural giant Cargill recalled almost 17 million pounds of processed poultry products due to the risk of L. monocytogenes.
Jeffrey Zurlinden, RN, MS, is a Nursing Spectrum contributing writer.
Kilman S. Listeria outbreak in Cargill turkey poses problems for meat industry. Wall Street Journal. December 20, 2000:84.
Kulman 1. Pregnant women get no bologna -- or shark or brie. U.S. News & World Report. 2001; 1 30(4}:52.
Marcus M. Organic foods offer peace of mind -- at a price. U.S. News & World Report. 2001;130(2):48-50.
Schiosser E. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin; 2001.
US Food and Drug Administration. FDA issues letter to industry on food containing botanical and other novel ingredients. Available at:
Friday, February 16, 2007
1) To clean a toilet:-
· Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl.
· Let the "real thing" sit for one hour, then flush clean.
· The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china.
· No scrubbing, no sweat - guaranteed.
2) To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers:
· Rub the bumper with a crumpled-up piece of aluminum foils dipped in Coca-Cola.
· Much economical than the stuff from Smart Shop.
3) To clean corrosion from car battery terminals;
· Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.
4) To loosen a rusted bolt;
· Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.
5) To remove grease from clothes;
· Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle.
6) The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.
Monday, February 12, 2007
The list is show below:
Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly arrests the ravages of old age. Take 4 spoons of honey, 1spoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water and boil to make like tea. Drink 1/4 cup, 3 to 4 times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age. Life span also increases and even if a person is 100 years old, starts performing the chores of a 20 year old.
Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root.
Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections.
Daily in the morning, 1/2 hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup water. If taken regularly it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also drinking of this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.
Recent research in Japan and Australia has reveled that advanced cancer of the stomach and bones have been cured successfully. Patients suffering from these kinds of cancer should daily take one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one month 3 times a day.
Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful than detrimental to the body strength. Senior citizens who take honey and cinnamon power in equal parts are more alert and flexible. Dr. Milton who has done research says that half tablespoon honey taken in one glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder, taken daily after brushing and in the afternoon at about 3.00 p.m. when the vitality of the body starts decreasing, increases the vitality of the body within a week.
People of South America, first thing in the morning gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water. So their breath stays fresh throughout the day.
Drink mix up with honey & lemon juice helps sinus headaches.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
8. GAS: According to the studies done in India & Japan, it is revealed that if honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas.
9. HEART DISEASES: Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread or chappati instead of jelly and jam and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heart attack. Also those who have already had an attack, if they do this process daily, are kept miles away from the next attack. Regular use of the above process relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heartbeat. In America and Canada, various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have found that due to the increasing age the arteries and veins, which lose their flexibility and get clogged, are revitalized.
10. IMMUNE SYSTEM: Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacteria and viral diseases.
11. INDIGESTION: Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food, relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals.
12. INFLUENZA A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural ingredient, which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu.
Friday, January 12, 2007
4. TOOTHACHE: Make a paste of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey and apply on the aching tooth. This may be done 3 times a day daily till such time that the tooth has stopped aching.
4. CHOLESTEROL: Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water, if given to a cholesterol patient, it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10% within 2 hours. As mentioned for arthritic patients, if taken 3 times a day any chronic cholesterol is cured. As per the information received in the said journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves complains of cholesterol.
5. COLDS: Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon luke warm honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.
6. INFERTILITY: Yunani and Ayurvedic have been using honey for years in medicine to strengthen the semen of men. If impotent men regularly take two tablespoon of honey before sleeping, their problem will be solved. In China, Japan and Far-East countries, women who do not conceive and to strengthen the uterus have been taking cinnamon powder for centuries. Women who cannot conceive may take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half teaspoon of honey and apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the body. A couple in Maryland, America had no children for 14 years and had left hope of having a child of their own. When told about this process husband and wife started taking honey and cinnamon as stated above, the wife conceived after a few months and had twins at full term.
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